The Financial Capital - USA News Paper
Jun 3, 2021
TechPledge Consulting earns distinction through commitment to academic customers.
We are proud to announce that TechPledge Consulting has become a Microsoft Authorized Education Partner (AEP), demonstrating our ability to meet Microsoft academic customers’ evolving needs in today’s dynamic business environment. To earn a Microsoft AEP authorization, partners must complete a test to prove their level of academic licensing and market expertise.
The AEP program is designed to train participating resellers on Microsoft’s Academic licensing, authorize them to purchase and resell Microsoft Academic licenses, and demonstrate to potential customers that they are approved and knowledgeable academic partners.
This Microsoft AEP authorization shows our commitment and specialism in the academic IT marketplace and demonstrates our knowledge of Microsoft and its academic products. We hope to accelerate our academic customers’ successes by serving as technology advisors for their IT requirements.
Being an AEP authorizes us to offer Microsoft products at academic prices to Qualified Educational Users (QEU). QEUs include accredited schools, faculties, full- or part-time students, public libraries, public museums, and home-school programs.
As a Microsoft AEP, we can provide our academic customers with the best solutions for their IT needs. We can help them transform education with effective and innovative use of Microsoft cloud services and devices. We can also offer them access to exclusive education-specific programs, incentives, and resources from Microsoft.
We are glad to join this elite group of Microsoft partners and look forward to continuing our work with the education sector. We believe that technology can empower educators and students to achieve more and make a positive impact on the world.
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